,REAPER Made Easy is brought to you by the following superb examples of humanity (and Scott).


Scott Chesworth
Jenny K Brennan
Justin Macleod
Derek Lane
Chris “Chessel” Goodwin
Piotr Machacz


Toni Barth – thanks for all the back-end brilliance.
Day Garwood – thanks for the TeamTalk server we meet on.
Patrick Perdue – thanks for the IceCast we stream through.

Other Help, Present and Past

Shay Baker helps us keep up with the chats
Sarah H did a ton of good editing, now sadly departed (she got a real job).

Financial Supporters (most recent first):

Brett Edward Scarr
Jamie Pauls
John Ramm
John Gurd (topped us up twice in recent times, muchos thanks!)
Danny Noonan
Rui Batista
Chris Stewart
Jerry Berrier
Matthew J
Christopher Mark Gilland
Chris Turner
Ché Martin
Park Peters (umpteen times, thanks man)”
Kevin Swartzentruber
James Bryant
Rajesh Mohammed
Manny Aregullin
Our sponsor, TGV Productions. Shout out to Chrissie and Matzura.
Oh and this one time, JennyK sent Scott 5 bucks for playing Jingle Bells badly using his teeth (hmm, clearly desperate to be on the list).

Supporting the REAPER Made Easy project

TGV Productions has provided sponsorship to get the REAPER Made Easy project rolling. Our goal is to bring the expertise available within the community that’s developed around REAPER accessibility to a wider audience. We aim to pay contributors to the project fair rates to cover their time, but our pockets aren’t bottomless. If you appreciate this project and are in a position to chip in your support, you can contribute via PayPal.
Your support will help us to pay our instructors a reasonable hourly production rate as they’re feverishly beavering away on new standalone content, as well as compensating the hosts, presenters and editors who pull together to provide our live streams. To be clear, nobody is getting filthy rich on this gig, we simply intend to pay people fairly for good work.
Absolutely any amount that’s comfortable for you to contribute will be appreciated. If you can’t support us financially, spreading the word that this resource is here, and helping us shape future content with your feedback are both great ways to help.
Thanks in advance for any support, however you decide to get involved.

Send Us Feedback

Feel free to get in touch with feedback on the content you’ve heard, and share thoughts on what you’d like to hear us covering in future.
If you have specific questions about the use of REAPER however, please send those to the
Reaper Without Peepers mailing list instead. That way the answer might benefit other members in the group. This form is not intended for those questions and you will most likely not get a useful answer if asking it here.